
Patient’s Rights and Patient’s Responsibilities

Patient’s Rights

  1. Following the belief in humane treatments and respect for every human life, all staff members of the hospital who wear uniforms and identification badges shall provide medical care to every patient with grateful and respectful manner, regardless of the patient’s religion, race, gender, age,wealth or social status. All patients’ privacy shall be respected and protected as well.
  2. Adopting the concept of Patient-Centered safe healthcare, all doctors should explain causes of illness, results of major examinations and related information on those tests, possible treatment plans and prognosis outcomes. Patients have rights to decide whether to accept doctors’suggestions or not. However, patients should be aware of the results and be responsible for their own decision if they refuse to follow doctors’suggested treatments.
  3. If patients need to have operations or aggressive invasive medical treatments or procedures, the hospital is required to receive agreement of consent for the operations and anesthesia that is signed by the patient, spouse, family member or person of relation. Doctors should explain the reasons for operations, probability of success or risk and the complications before asking patients to sign the agreement. Doctors are not allowed to perform the operations without the agreement of consent,except in an extreme case of emergency when patients’ lives are in danger. In that case, doctors are allowed to perform emergent operations or aggressive invasive medical treatments or procedures according to the Laws of Medical.
  4. The hospital has the obligations not to reveal patients’ medical history, health information orany personal data to any third party, except to those medical staffs involved or participated who help provide medical assistance to the patients.
  5. Patients have rights to know details of medication such as prescribed drug names, dosage,administration, expected effects and possible side effects.Patients have rights to decide if they want to participate in a medical research program. Patients have rights to know detailed information of fees and expenses for the medical services provided.
  6. The hospital shall reveal medical treatments to patients’close family members. If patients prohibitsuch revelation to certain family members, patients should inform medical staff in nurse station or the primary care physician in writing for the hospital to take proper actions.
  7. If patients who do not fully understand medical treatments provided by the hospital should nothesitate to ask for doctors or other medical staffs for further explanations.
  8. Patients have rights to request for copies of personal examination reports, certificates ofdiagnosis, or summary of medical records at the service counter.
  9. Any medical staff of the hospital shall be prohibited from accepting any gifts in money,vouchers or any monetary certificates of securities from patients or family members.
  10. If any of those in-house patients who receive unfair treatment shall have rights to submitcomplaints to the hospital either by calling hotline (02) 66289779 with extension 5520 , or by filling out the Complaints or Suggestions forms provided by the hospital.

Patient’s responsibilities

  1. Patients are prohibited to use other person’s identiication (ID) or National Health Insurance (NHI) cards.
  2. Patients should reveal personal state of health, history of illness and treatments, possible allergies, any other symptoms and changes in health conditions in order to assist medical staff to provide fair evaluations and proper treatments.
  3. If patients are not clear about any treatment during the process of medical care, patients should request for further explanations until fully understand. Patients should take full responsibilities for the result when decide to follow or refuse medical treatments suggested by the hospital.
  4. Patients are required to follow medical suggestions and regulations of the hospital when patients agree to accept medical treatments in this hospital.
  5. Patients should not ask medical staff to provide fake medical reports or certificates.
  6. Patients are required to pay for those medical expenses which are not covered by healthcare insurance.
  7. Patients should try best to improve their own health and not to waste medical resources. Patients should follow doctors suggestions for transfer of beds or hospitals and discharge.
  8. Patients should follow rules and regulations of the hospital, and pay respect to medical staffs and other patients rights.
  9. Patients and their visitors should not disturb other patients during in –house care. Patients are responsible for safeguarding their own personal belongings.
  10. Patients should not take any other medication without doctors prior consent during in-house care.
  11. Patients should notify medical staffs in case of temporarily leaving assigned ward room.
  12. Patients should inform medical staffs and obtain approval from the doctor if they need to take a leave from the hospital during the period of in-house care.