- 慈濟大學醫學系
- 美國醫師國家考試合格 (ECFMG certified)
- 花蓮慈濟外科住院醫師
- 台北榮總兒科研究醫師及兒童感染科總醫師
- 新店耕莘醫院急診兒科主治醫師
- 2010國合會宏都拉斯醫療團
- 台灣超音波醫學會兒科基礎及進階訓練
- 台灣超音波醫學會急診超音波訓練
- Hsi-Hsien Wei, Keh-Gong Wu, Leticia B Sy, Chun-Jen Chena, Ren-Bin Tang,“Infectious Endocarditis in Pediatric Patients: Analysis of 19 Cases Presenting at a Medical Center.”Journal of Microbiology, Immunology, and Infection. Volume 43, Number 5, October 2010, Pages 430 – 437.
- Hsi-Hsien Wei, Li-Ping Tsai, Ping-Sheng Wu,“ Adolescent onset of vertically transmitted untreated AIDS: A report of one case.”Tzu Chi Medical Journal Volume 28, Issue 4, December 2016, Pages 173-175.
- WEI HSI-HSIEN. (2020, July 15). Clinical management of severe neonatal enterovirus [Oral Presentation]. local seminar (Hsinchu county)/Hsinchu county, TWN.
- WEI HSI-HSIEN, Leticia B Sy, TSOU KUO-YING. (2007, April 21). Congenital Meconium Peritonitis [Oral Presentation]. Taiwan Pediatric Association Annual Meeting/Taipei, TWN. (兒科醫學會年會)
WEI HSI-HSIEN, Leticia B Sy, TSOU KUO-YING. (2007, June 01). Neonatal lupus, a case report [Oral Presentation]. North District Joint Case and Neonatology Seminar/Taipei, TWN.(兒科醫學會北區月會) WEI HSI-HSIEN, HUANG SHIH-MING. (2004, March 27). Thyroid Toxic Nodular Goiter: treatment choices and outcomes [Oral Presentation]. Taiwan Surgical Association Annual Meeting/Taipei , TWN.