
蔡國旺 主任


研究領域:癌症基因體、 生物標記開發、腫瘤生物學



  • 微型核糖核酸在癌症轉移過程中的角色
  • 長片段非編碼核糖核酸在癌症轉移過程中的角色
  • 長鏈非編碼核糖核酸與腫瘤微環境的角色
  • 長鏈非編碼核糖核酸於腫瘤能量代謝之角色

近年來人類基因體計畫加速進展,基因體學研究成為目前熱門研究課題,而高通量次世代定序分析成為當前不可或缺的分析技術,另外;真核細胞的轉錄後調控對其基因表達是一項相當重要的步驟,目前已知許多疾病以及癌細胞的產生與轉移(metastasis)與抗藥(drug resistance),都與DNA-RNA-Protein之間的調控有著密切的關係。利用高通量的次世代定序可以快速解析細胞中的DNA變異、DNA表觀遺傳、RNA表現圖譜甚至RNA的後修飾等等,近年本研究室已運用次世代定序完成NGS-Based Cancer Panels定序、RNA transcriptome Profile、small RNA profiles、lncRNA RNA profiles以及16S rRNA  metagenomics sequence等等進行探討人類疾病的成因以及開發生物標記。目前本研究室利用次世代基因定序儀,積極開發分子診斷標記,短期目標此儀器將會被運用在基因突變、微型核糖核酸轉錄體異常、腸胃道細菌分析,希望了解哪些基因體上發生異常改變?如此將有助於了解疾病的致病機轉,並且提供作為臨床上的治療與診斷依據。




    台灣癌症發生率逐年增加,每年因罹癌而死亡的人數高居不下,在臨床上化療合併放射線治療是主要治療侵襲性癌的策略之一,其作用機制為利用放射線導致癌細胞中的DNA 斷裂,達到促使癌細胞生長停止並走向死亡的路徑,臨床上發現有一些病人對於化療、放射線治療有很好的療效,相反的也有另外一群人對於化療、放射線治療反應非常差且癒後不良,然而治療的效果好壞與其細胞內部某些基因表現以及訊息傳遞異常有關,本研究團隊短期目標希望尋找可預測癌症病患對於放射線治療反應的生物標記,長期目標希望開發一些分子藥物可以促進放射線治療的效果,期許我們的研究成果可提供作為評估病患是否要接受放射線治療或改變治療策略的依據。



癌轉移以及抗藥性往往導致癌症治療失敗,而細胞內非編碼核糖核酸(microRNA以及lncRNA)表現失調或突變被證實與腫瘤發展息息相關,本研究團隊發現非編碼核糖核酸可以透過外分泌調控周邊腫瘤微環境重編程,利用偵測非編碼核糖核酸表現量亦可做為腫瘤診斷與預後評估的生物標記,並且分別從表觀遺傳、轉錄體調控以及SNP等不同層面,證實非編碼核糖核酸在癌症的轉移與抗藥性扮演關鍵角色,目前也積極利用天然藥物與小分子藥物調控非編碼核糖核酸表現,作為毒殺癌細胞以及提高免疫治療效果之策略。綜合以上下圖所示:本研究團隊主要專注非編碼核糖核酸涉在癌症進展的三大領域中的角色,主題一:研究ncRNA調控腫瘤微環境的重編程,包括:影響巨噬細胞、毒殺T細胞的浸潤以及巨噬細胞M1/M2的polarization;目標二:研究ncRNA在腫瘤細胞能量代謝路徑的角色,特別是周邊脂肪細胞如何透過exosome影響腫瘤細胞代謝重編程;目標三:研究ncRNA在腫瘤轉移、生長以及死亡過程扮演的角色,特別是目前新穎的ferroptosis死亡路徑。短期目標利用細胞模式在in vitro下釐清ncRNA在這三大領域中的可能角色,中期目標利用台北慈濟生物資料庫組織檢體進行in vivo驗證,並且分析ncRNA作為診斷以及預後生物標記的可能性;最終希望利用中草藥或小分子藥物針對ncRNA開發治療腫瘤的新穎藥物。

(A) SCI Papers

  1. Yiang GT, Wu YK, Tsai KW, Tzeng IS, Hu WC, Liao MT, Lu KC, Chung HW, Chao YC, Su WL: Immunothrombosis biomarkers as potential predictive factors of acute respiratory distress syndrome in moderate-to-critical COVID-19: A single-center, retrospective cohort study. Immunol Lett 2023, 254:30-38.
  2. Lin CH, Li SC, Lin MH, Ho CJ, Lu YT, Lin Y, Lin PH, Tsai KW, Tsai MH: S100A6 participates in initiation of autoimmune encephalitis and is under epigenetic control. Brain Behav 2023, 13(3):e2897.
  3. Yang CY, Chen YH, Liu PJ, Hu WC, Lu KC, Tsai KW: The emerging role of miRNAs in the pathogenesis of COVID-19: Protective effects of nutraceutical polyphenolic compounds against SARS-CoV-2 infection. Int J Med Sci 2022, 19(8):1340-1356.
  4. Wu HF, Lu TJ, Lo YH, Tu YT, Chen YR, Lee MC, Chiang YL, Yeh CY, Tsai KW: Long Noncoding RNA LOC550643 Acts as an Oncogene in the Growth Regulation of Colorectal Cancer Cells. Cells 2022, 11(7).
  5. Chong KH, Chang YJ, Hsu WH, Tu YT, Chen YR, Lee MC, Tsai KW: Breast Cancer with Increased Drug Resistance, Invasion Ability, and Cancer Stem Cell Properties through Metabolism Reprogramming. Int J Mol Sci 2022, 23(21).
  6. Chang YK, Tseng HH, Leung CM, Lu KC, Tsai KW: Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Multiple Gene Mutation Profiling of Patients with Rectal Adenocarcinoma Receiving or Not Receiving Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy. Int J Mol Sci 2022, 23(18).
  7. Weng KP, Cheng CF, Chien KJ, Ger LP, Huang SH, Tsai KW: Identifying Circulating MicroRNA in Kawasaki Disease by Next-Generation Sequencing Approach. Curr Issues Mol Biol 2021, 43(2):485-500.
  8. Tseng HH, Chen YZ, Chou NH, Chen YC, Wu CC, Liu LF, Yang YF, Yeh CY, Kung ML, Tu YT et al: Metformin inhibits gastric cancer cell proliferation by regulation of a novel Loc100506691-CHAC1 axis. Mol Ther Oncolytics 2021, 22:180-194.
  9. Tsai KW, Chong KH, Li CH, Tu YT, Chen YR, Lee MC, Chan SH, Wang LH, Chang YJ: LOC550643, a Long Non-coding RNA, Acts as Novel Oncogene in Regulating Breast Cancer Growth and Metastasis. Front Cell Dev Biol 2021, 9:695632.
  10. Lin JT, Tsai KW: Circulating miRNAs Act as Diagnostic Biomarkers for Bladder Cancer in Urine. Int J Mol Sci 2021, 22(8).
  11. Lee SY, Wang TY, Lu RB, Wang LJ, Chang CH, Chiang YC, Tsai KW: Peripheral BDNF correlated with miRNA in BD-II patients. J Psychiatr Res 2021, 136:184-189.
  12. Lee SY, Wang TY, Lu RB, Wang LJ, Chang CH, Chiang YC, Pan CC, Tsai KW: Plasma BDNF and Cytokines Correlated with Protein Biomarkers for Bipolar II Disorder. J Pers Med 2021, 11(12).
  13. Wang JH, Lu TJ, Kung ML, Yang YF, Yeh CY, Tu YT, Chen WS, Tsai KW: The Long Noncoding RNA LOC441461 (STX17-AS1) Modulates Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth and Motility. Cancers 2020, 12(11).
  14. Lee SY, Lu RB, Wang LJ, Chang CH, Lu T, Wang TY, Tsai KW: Serum miRNA as a possible biomarker in the diagnosis of bipolar II disorder. Scientific reports 2020, 10(1):1131.
  15. Yang CM, Chang HS, Chen HC, You JJ, Liou HH, Ting SC, Ger LP, Li SC, Tsai KW: Low C6orf141 Expression is Significantly Associated with a Poor Prognosis in Patients with Oral Cancer. Scientific reports 2019, 9(1):4520.
  16. Tseng HW, Li SC, Tsai KW: Metformin Treatment Suppresses Melanoma Cell Growth and Motility Through Modulation of microRNA Expression. Cancers 2019, 11(2).
  17. Huang SJ, Tseng YK, Lo YH, Wu PC, Lee JH, Liou HH, Liang CC, Yang CM, Wang CC, Yen LM et al: Association of SDF-1 and CXCR4 Polymorphisms With Susceptibility to Oral and Pharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Anticancer research 2019, 39(6):2891-2902.
  18. Hsu PI, Pan CY, Kao JY, Tsay FW, Peng NJ, Kao SS, Chen YH, Tsai TJ, Wu DC, Tsai KW: Short-term and long-term impacts of Helicobacter pylori eradication with reverse hybrid therapy on the gut microbiota. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 2019.
  19. Chou PH, Liao WC, Tsai KW, Chen KC, Yu JS, Chen TW: TACCO, a Database Connecting Transcriptome Alterations, Pathway Alterations and Clinical Outcomes in Cancers. Scientific reports 2019, 9(1):3877.
  20. Chen HC, Tseng YK, Shu CW, Weng TJ, Liou HH, Yen LM, Hsieh IC, Wang CC, Wu PC, Shiue YL et al: Differential clinical significance of COL5A1 and COL5A2 in tongue squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of oral pathology & medicine : official publication of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the American Academy of Oral Pathology 2019.
  21. Wang KC, Kang CH, Tsai CY, Chou NH, Tu YT, Li GC, Lam HC, Liu SI, Chang PM, Lin YH et al: Ten-eleven translocation 1 dysfunction reduces 5-hydroxymethylcytosine expression levels in gastric cancer cells. Oncology letters 2018, 15(1):278-284.
  22. Tseng HW, Tseng HH, Liou HH, Tsai KW, Ger LP, Shiue YL: The association between immunoexpression levels of oxidant and antioxidant enzymes and lip squamous cell carcinoma. APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica 2018, 126(5):403-412.
  23. Tsai KW, Lo YH, Liu H, Yeh CY, Chen YZ, Hsu CW, Chen WS, Wang JH: Linc00659, a long noncoding RNA, acts as novel oncogene in regulating cancer cell growth in colorectal cancer. Molecular cancer 2018, 17(1):72.
  24. Liu WS, Chan SH, Chang HT, Li GC, Tu YT, Tseng HH, Fu TY, Chang HY, Liou HH, Ger LP et al: Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1-snail axis dysfunction significantly correlates with breast cancer prognosis and regulates cell invasion ability. Breast cancer research : BCR 2018, 20(1):25.
  25. Hsu PI, Tsay FW, Graham DY, Tsai TJ, Tsai KW, Kao JY, Peng NJ, Kuo CH, Kao SS, Wang HM et al: Equivalent Efficacies of Reverse Hybrid and Bismuth Quadruple Therapies in Eradication of Helicobacter pylori Infection in a Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association 2018.
  26. Yang CM, Chen CC, Tseng YK, Huang SJ, Liou HH, Lee YC, Lee JH, Wang JS, Chen HC, Chi CC et al: The variant of pri-mir-26a-1 polymorphism is associated with decreased risk of betel quid-related oral premalignant lesions and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology 2017, 124(4):378-389 e371.
  27. Tseng HW, Liou HH, Tsai KW, Ger LP, Shiue YL: Clinicopathological study of lip cancer: a retrospective hospital-based study in Taiwan. APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica 2017, 125(11):1007-1016.
  28. Tseng HH, Tseng YK, You JJ, Kang BH, Wang TH, Yang CM, Chen HC, Liou HH, Liu PF, Ger LP et al: Next-generation Sequencing for microRNA Profiling: MicroRNA-21-3p Promotes Oral Cancer Metastasis. Anticancer research 2017, 37(3):1059-1066.
  29. Tsay FW, Wu DC, Yu HC, Kao SS, Lin KH, Cheng JS, Wang HM, Chen WC, Sun WC, Tsai KW et al: A Randomized Controlled Trial Shows that both 14-Day Hybrid and Bismuth Quadruple Therapies Cure Most Patients with Helicobacter pylori Infection in Populations with Moderate Antibiotic Resistance. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 2017, 61(11).
  30. Huang LH, Lin PH, Tsai KW, Wang LJ, Huang YH, Kuo HC, Li SC: The effects of storage temperature and duration of blood samples on DNA and RNA qualities. PloS one 2017, 12(9):e0184692.
  31. Huang CC, Tsai KW, Tsai TJ, Hsu PI: Update on the first-line treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection – a continuing challenge from an old enemy. Biomarker research 2017, 5:23.
  32. Hsu PI, Wu DC, Tsay FW, Cheng JS, Liu CP, Lai KH, Chen WC, Wang HM, Tsai TJ, Tsai KW et al: Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonist Cannot Prevent Recurrent Peptic Ulcers in Patients With Atherosclerotic Diseases Who Receive Platelet ADP Receptor Antagonist Monotherapy: A Randomized-Controlled, Double-Blind, and Double-Dummy Trial. The American journal of gastroenterology 2017, 112(2):282-289.
  33. Hsu PI, Tsai FW, Kao SS, Hsu WH, Cheng JS, Peng NJ, Tsai KW, Hu HM, Wang YK, Chuah SK et al: Ten-Day Quadruple Therapy Comprising Proton Pump Inhibitor, Bismuth, Tetracycline, and Levofloxacin is More Effective than Standard Levofloxacin Triple Therapy in the Second-Line Treatment of Helicobacter pylori Infection: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The American journal of gastroenterology 2017, 112(9):1374-1381.
  34. Yang CM, Wang TH, Chen HC, Li SC, Lee MC, Liou HH, Liu PF, Tseng YK, Shiue YL, Ger LP et al: Aberrant DNA hypermethylation-silenced SOX21-AS1 gene expression and its clinical importance in oral cancer. Clinical epigenetics 2016, 8:129.
  35. Tseng HW, Shiue YL, Tsai KW, Huang WC, Tang PL, Lam HC: Risk of skin cancer in patients with diabetes mellitus: A nationwide retrospective cohort study in Taiwan. Medicine 2016, 95(26):e4070.
  36. Tsai KW, Leung CM, Lo YH, Chen TW, Chan WC, Yu SY, Tu YT, Lam HC, Li SC, Ger LP et al: Arm Selection Preference of MicroRNA-193a Varies in Breast Cancer. Scientific reports 2016, 6:28176.
  37. Kuo WT, Yu SY, Li SC, Lam HC, Chang HT, Chen WS, Yeh CY, Hung SF, Liu TC, Wu T et al: MicroRNA-324 in Human Cancer: miR-324-5p and miR-324-3p Have Distinct Biological Functions in Human Cancer. Anticancer research 2016, 36(10):5189-5196.
  38. Hou YY, You JJ, Yang CM, Pan HW, Chen HC, Lee JH, Lin YS, Liou HH, Liu PF, Chi CC et al: Aberrant DNA hypomethylation of miR-196b contributes to migration and invasion of oral cancer. Oncology letters 2016, 11(6):4013-4021.
  39. Fu TY, Wu CN, Sie HC, Cheng JT, Lin YS, Liou HH, Tseng YK, Shu CW, Tsai KW, Yen LM et al: Subsite-specific association of DEAD box RNA helicase DDX60 with the development and prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oncotarget 2016, 7(51):85097-85108.
  40. Chou NH, Tsai CY, Tu YT, Wang KC, Kang CH, Chang PM, Li GC, Lam HC, Liu SI, Tsai KW: Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 2 Dysfunction Contributes to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine Depletion in Gastric Cancer Cells. Anticancer research 2016, 36(8):3983-3990.
  41. Chen HC, Yang CM, Cheng JT, Tsai KW, Fu TY, Liou HH, Tseng HH, Lee JH, Li GC, Wang JS et al: Global DNA hypomethylation is associated with the development and poor prognosis of tongue squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of oral pathology & medicine : official publication of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the American Academy of Oral Pathology 2016, 45(6):409-417.
  42. Chen HC, Tseng YK, Chi CC, Chen YH, Yang CM, Huang SJ, Lee YC, Liou HH, Tsai KW, Ger LP: Genetic variants in microRNA-146a (C>G) and microRNA-1269b (G>C) are associated with the decreased risk of oral premalignant lesions, oral cancer, and pharyngeal cancer. Archives of oral biology 2016, 72:21-32.
  43. Wang MC, Tsai KW, Chu CH, Yu MS, Lam HC: A novel hemoglobin variant found on the alpha1 chain: Hb KSVGH (HBA1: p.Lys57_Gly58insSerHisGlySerAlaGlnValLys). Hemoglobin 2015, 39(2):81-87.
  44. Tsai KW, Li GC, Chen CH, Yeh MH, Huang JS, Tseng HH, Fu TY, Liou HH, Pan HW, Huang SF et al: Reduction of global 5-hydroxymethylcytosine is a poor prognostic factor in breast cancer patients, especially for an ER/PR-negative subtype. Breast cancer research and treatment 2015, 153(1):219-234.
  45. Tsai KW, Hu LY, Chen TW, Li SC, Ho MR, Yu SY, Tu YT, Chen WS, Lam HC: Emerging role of microRNAs in modulating endothelin-1 expression in gastric cancer. Oncology reports 2015, 33(1):485-493.
  46. Tsai KW, Chang B, Pan CT, Lin WC, Chen TW, Li SC: Evaluation and application of the strand-specific protocol for next-generation sequencing. BioMed research international 2015, 2015:182389.
  47. Karimi Kurdistani Z, Saberi S, Tsai KW, Mohammadi M: MicroRNA-21: Mechanisms of Oncogenesis and its Application in Diagnosis and Prognosis of Gastric Cancer. Archives of Iranian medicine 2015, 18(8):524-536.
  48. Hou YY, Lee JH, Chen HC, Yang CM, Huang SJ, Liou HH, Chi CC, Tsai KW, Ger LP: The association between miR-499a polymorphism and oral squamous cell carcinoma progression. Oral diseases 2015, 21(2):195-206.
  49. Wu HH, Lin WC, Tsai KW: Advances in molecular biomarkers for gastric cancer: miRNAs as emerging novel cancer markers. Expert reviews in molecular medicine 2014, 16:e1.
  50. Pan CT, Tsai KW, Hung TM, Lin WC, Pan CY, Yu HR, Li SC: miRSeq: a user-friendly standalone toolkit for sequencing quality evaluation and miRNA profiling. BioMed research international 2014, 2014:462135.
  51. Liu PF, Leung CM, Chang YH, Cheng JS, Chen JJ, Weng CJ, Tsai KW, Hsu CJ, Liu YC, Hsu PC et al: ATG4B promotes colorectal cancer growth independent of autophagic flux. Autophagy 2014, 10(8):1454-1465.
  52. Leung CM, Li SC, Chen TW, Ho MR, Hu LY, Liu WS, Wu TT, Hsu PC, Chang HT, Tsai KW: Comprehensive microRNA profiling of prostate cancer cells after ionizing radiation treatment. Oncology reports 2014, 31(3):1067-1078.
  53. Leung CM, Chen TW, Li SC, Ho MR, Hu LY, Liu WS, Wu TT, Hsu PC, Chang HT, Tsai KW: MicroRNA expression profiles in human breast cancer cells after multifraction and single-dose radiation treatment. Oncology reports 2014, 31(5):2147-2156.
  54. Pan HW, Li SC, Tsai KW: MicroRNA Dysregulation in Gastric Cancer. Current pharmaceutical design 2013, 19(7):1273-1284.
  55. Chen WS, Chen TW, Yang TH, Hu LY, Pan HW, Leung CM, Li SC, Ho MR, Shu CW, Liu PF et al: Co-modulated behavior and effects of differentially expressed miRNA in colorectal cancer. BMC genomics 2013, 14 Suppl 5:S12.
  56. Tsai KW, Liao YL, Wu CW, Hu LY, Li SC, Chan WC, Ho MR, Lai CH, Kao HW, Fang WL et al: Aberrant hypermethylation of miR-9 genes in gastric cancer. Epigenetics 2012, 6(10):1189-1197.
  57. Tsai KW, Liao YL, Wu CW, Hu LY, Li SC, Chan WC, Ho MR, Lai CH, Kao HW, Fang WL et al: Aberrant expression of miR-196a in gastric cancers and correlation with recurrence. Genes, chromosomes & cancer 2012, 51(4):394-401.
  58. Liao YL, Hu LY, Tsai KW, Wu CW, Chan WC, Li SC, Lai CH, Ho MR, Fang WL, Huang KH et al: Transcriptional regulation of miR-196b by ETS2 in gastric cancer cells. Carcinogenesis 2012, 33(4):760-769.
  59. Li SC, Tsai KW, Pan HW, Jeng YM, Ho MR, Li WH: MicroRNA 3′ end nucleotide modification patterns and arm selection preference in liver tissues. BMC systems biology 2012, 6 Suppl 2:S14.
  60. Li SC, Liao YL, Ho MR, Tsai KW, Lai CH, Lin WC: miRNA arm selection and isomiR distribution in gastric cancer. BMC genomics 2012, 13 Suppl 1:S13.
  61. Ho MR, Tsai KW, Lin WC: A unified framework of overlapping genes: towards the origination and endogenic regulation. Genomics 2012, 100(4):231-239.
  62. Chen WS, Leung CM, Pan HW, Hu LY, Li SC, Ho MR, Tsai KW: Silencing of miR-1-1 and miR-133a-2 cluster expression by DNA hypermethylation in colorectal cancer. Oncology reports 2012, 28(3):1069-1076.
  63. Chang HT, Li SC, Ho MR, Pan HW, Ger LP, Hu LY, Yu SY, Li WH, Tsai KW: Comprehensive analysis of microRNAs in breast cancer. BMC genomics 2012, 13 Suppl 7:S18.
  64. Chan WC, Ho MR, Li SC, Tsai KW, Lai CH, Hsu CN, Lin WC: MetaMirClust: discovery of miRNA cluster patterns using a data-mining approach. Genomics 2012, 100(3):141-148.
  65. Tsai KW, Wu CW, Hu LY, Li SC, Liao YL, Lai CH, Kao HW, Fang WL, Huang KH, Chan WC et al: Epigenetic regulation of miR-34b and miR-129 expression in gastric cancer. International journal of cancer 2011, 129(11):2600-2610.
  66. Li SC, Liao YL, Chan WC, Ho MR, Tsai KW, Hu LY, Lai CH, Hsu CN, Lin WC: Interrogation of rabbit miRNAs and their isomiRs. Genomics 2011, 98(6):453-459.
  67. Li SC, Chan WC, Lai CH, Tsai KW, Hsu CN, Jou YS, Chen HC, Chen CH, Lin WC: UMARS: Un-MAppable Reads Solution. BMC bioinformatics 2011, 12 Suppl 1:S9.
  68. Ho MR, Tsai KW, Chen CH, Lin WC: dbDNV: a resource of duplicated gene nucleotide variants in human genome. Nucleic acids research 2011, 39(Database issue):D920-925.
  69. Tsai KW, Hu LY, Wu CW, Li SC, Lai CH, Kao HW, Fang WL, Lin WC: Epigenetic regulation of miR-196b expression in gastric cancer. Genes, chromosomes & cancer 2010, 49(11):969-980.
  70. Tsai KW, Chan WC, Hsu CN, Lin WC: Sequence features involved in the mechanism of 3′ splice junction wobbling. BMC molecular biology 2010, 11:34.
  71. Li SC, Chan WC, Ho MR, Tsai KW, Hu LY, Lai CH, Hsu CN, Hwang PP, Lin WC: Discovery and characterization of medaka miRNA genes by next generation sequencing platform. BMC genomics 2010, 11 Suppl 4:S8.
  72. Tsai KW, Kao HW, Chen HC, Chen SJ, Lin WC: Epigenetic control of the expression of a primate-specific microRNA cluster in human cancer cells. Epigenetics 2009, 4(8):587-592.
  73. Tsai KW, Tseng HC, Lin WC: Two wobble-splicing events affect ING4 protein subnuclear localization and degradation. Experimental cell research 2008, 314(17):3130-3141.
  74. Tsai KW, Tarn WY, Lin WC: Wobble splicing reveals the role of the branch point sequence-to-NAGNAG region in 3′ tandem splice site selection. Molecular and cellular biology 2007, 27(16):5835-5848.
  75. Tsai KW, Lin WC: Quantitative analysis of wobble splicing indicates that it is not tissue specific. Genomics 2006, 88(6):855-864.

(B) 專書

  1. M. Leung#,K. W. Tsai# and H. W. Pan. DNA Methylation in Aggressive Gastric Cancer . InTech. Oct, 2012.
  2. Yu-Lun Liao#, Kuo-Wang Tsai# and Wen-Chang Lin. miRNAs in Gastric Cancer . InTech. Nov, 2011.
  3. W. Tsai, W.C. Lin. Subtle alternative splicing at tandem splice sites in human genome . Nova Science Publishers. Nov, 2009.
  4. 蔡國旺 林文昌(2008年11月)。人類基因跳動式剪接機制。(第三期 ,p 249-257)。生物醫學雜誌。

(C) Patent

  1. 【中文發明名稱】生物標記用以診斷第二型雙極症的用途 (專利局審查中)
  2. 【中文發明名稱】生物標記用以診斷川崎氏症的用途 (專利局審查中)


一般外科:張耀仁副院長、張健輝 醫師

大腸直腸科:呂宗儒 醫師

病理檢驗科:曾暉華 醫師、胡萬炯醫師

小兒科:鄭敬楓 副院長

中醫:呂秉勳 醫師



中央研究院 生醫所:林文昌 教授

台北醫學大學:閻雲 院士

花蓮慈濟大學:張新侯 教授

高雄長庚醫院:李松洲 研究員

高雄榮民總醫院:楊宜芳 博士

中央大學:許藝瓊 教授