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傅鍔 醫師






  • 國防醫學院牙醫學系
  • 波士頓大學口腔生物學博士
  • 教育部部定教授
  • 三軍總醫院牙科部主治醫師
  • 三軍總醫院牙科部部主任
  • 中華民國牙周病學會第三屆理事長
  • Martin M. Fu, Min-Wen Fu, Rebecca Y. Chen, Hsun-Liang Chan, Tony Szu-Hsien Lee, Earl Fu (2023, Nov). Life satisfaction and peace of mind among dentists: A cross-sectional study. Clinical Oral Investigations, 27(11), 6421- 6428.
  • Earl Fu, Chan-Yen Kuo, Yi-Jan Hsia, Yiao-Mien Huang, Hui-Hwa Tseng, Franky Min-Wen Fu, Kuang-Chung Shih (2023, Oct). Role of Ferroptosis in periodontitis: an animal study in rats. Journal of Periodontal Research, 58(5), 1031-1040.
  • Wu-Chien Chien, Earl Fu, Chi-Hsiang Chung, Chia-Mao Cheng, Hsiao-Pei Tu, Wei-Cheng Lee, Wei-Liang Chen, Kuang-Chung Shih (2023, Oct). Type 2 diabetes mellitus and periodontitis: Bi-directional association in populationbased 15-year retrospective cohorts. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 108(11), e1289-e1297.
  • Ying-Wu Chen, Ming-Lun Lee, Cheng-Yang Chiang, Earl Fu (2023, Oct). Effects of systemic Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus probiotics on the ligature-induced periodontitis in rat. Journal of Dental Sciences, 18(4), 1477-1485.
  • Suzanne Ying-Shan Su, Wu-Chien Chien, Chi-Hsiang Chung, Wan-Fu Su, Earl Fu (2022, Oct). Association of periodontitis with tinnitus: A population-based cohort study in Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 49(10), 970-979.
  • Ling-Yu Liang, Ming-Che Tsai, Kuang-Chung Shih, Shiu-Ming Huang, Donald E. Morisky, Earl Fu (2022, Jul). Tooth life expectancy and burden of tooth loss: two cross-sectional studies in Taiwan. Journal of Dental Sciences, 17(3), 1364-1370.
  • Yu-Hsuan Chang, Cheng-Yang Chiang, Earl Fu, Hsien-Chung Chiua (2022, Jul). Staphylococcus aureus enhances gelatinase activities in monocytic U937 cells and in human gingival fibroblasts. Journal of Dental Sciences, 17(3), 1321-1328.
  • Martin M. Fu, Wu-Chien Chien, Chi-Hsiang Chung, Wei-Cheng Lee, Hsiao-Pei Tu, Earl Fu (2022, Apr). Is periodontitis a risk factor of benign or malignant colorectal tumor? A population-based cohort study. Journal of Periodontal Research, 57(2), 284-293.
  • Tzu-Ying Chen, Po-Jan Kuo, Chi-Yu Lin, Tsung-Fu Hung, Hsien-Chung Chiu, Cheng-Yang Chiang, Kuang-Chung Shih, Earl Fu (2022, Mar). Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide and gingival fibroblast augment MMP-9 expression of monocytic U937 cells through cyclophilin A. Journal of Periodontology, 93(3), 449-457.
  • Hsiao-Pei Tu, Chan-Yen Kuo, Martin Ming-Jen Fu, Yu-Tang Chind, Cheng-Yang Chiang, Hsien-Chung Chiu, Yi-Jan Hsiaa, Earl Fu (2022, Feb). Cyanidin-3-Oglucoside downregulates ligation-activated endoplasmic reticulum stress and alleviates induced periodontal destruction in rats. Archives of Oral Biology, 134, 105313.
  • Min-Chia Chen, Hsien-Chung Chiu, Po-Jan Kuo, Cheng-Yang Chiang, Martin M. Fu, Earl Fu (2021, Oct). Bone formation with functionalized 3D printed poly-嶚och-caprolactone scaffold with plasma-rich-fibrin implanted in critical-sized calvaria defect of rat. Journal of Dental Sciences, 16(4), 1214-1221.
  • Yu-Tang Chin, Hsiao-Pei Tu, Chi-Yu Lin, Po-Jan Kuo, Hsien-Chung Chiu, Shao-Hsien Liu, Sheng-Yang Lee, Earl Fu (2021, Apr). Antioxidants protect against gingival overgrowth induced by cyclosporine-A . Journal of Periodontal Research, 56(2), 397-407.
  • Earl Fu, Chia-Mao Cheng, Chi-Hsiang Chung, Wei-Cheng Lee, Wei-Liang Chen, Guang-Huan Sun, Wu-Chien Chien (2021, Jan). Association of chronic periodontitis with prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis: A population-based cohort study in Taiwan. Journal of Periodontology, 92(1), 72–86.
