吳秋鳳 主任
- 重視醫療團隊合作共識,積極推動醫療及護理照護品質促進作業
- 用心領導關懷護理團隊,主動積極規劃及培育新進護理人員
- 積極收集臨床照護作業問題,整合相關作業及護理過程,推動護理資訊作業,增進護理作業效益
- 致力建置多元化病人安全醫療作業環境,營造護理人員安全之執業職場
- 推動全人照護教育,期台北慈濟醫院成為全人醫療照護之典範
- 樂於分享及促進同儕間之標竿學習,協助區域內醫院醫療品質指標及資訊平台之建置
- 領導與管理
- 護理資訊
- 內科護理
- 醫療品質指標與病人安全作業
- 長庚護理專科學校護理科
- 國立台北護理學院護理管理系
- 國立台灣大學醫療機構管理研究所
- 教育部部定講師
- 林口長庚醫院肝膽腸胃科、血液腫瘤科病房護理長/臨床護理師
- 羅東博愛醫院護理部督導
- 台北宏恩醫院護理部主任
- 羅東博愛醫院護理部主任
- 新北市護理師護士公會理事長
- 台灣護理資訊學會第六屆理事
- 中華民國護理師護士公會第十一屆全國聯合會理事
- 新北市護理師護士公會第十七屆常務理事
- 103年度新北市第2屆護理傑出獎
- Cheng, Chu-Hsuan., Chen, Szu-Chin., Kang, Fang-Yu., Wu, Chiu-Feng. (2020, October 17-18). The Effect of Two Sessions Intervention to Improve the Quality of Nursing Documentation. 2020 Annual Meeting of Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation. Chiayi County, Taiwan, Republic of China. https://tcmfaa.tzuchi.com.tw/TCMF2020/
- Teng, An-na., Wu, Chiu-Feng., Chang, Kai-Yen., Cheng, Chu-Hsuan, Tzeng, I-Shiang. (2020, September 9-12). The study of the effect of student nurse interns participating in a holistic health care seminar to improve empathy. International Nursing Conference. Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. https://www.icn.ch/events/2020-taiwan-international-nursing-conference-endorsed-icn
- Wu, Chiu-Feng. (2020, October 17-18). “Education of Spreading Love” for implementation of holistic patient care. 2020 Annual Meeting of Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation. Chiayi County, Taiwan, Republic of China. https://tcmfaa.tzuchi.com.tw/TCMF2020/
- Chang, Kai-Yen., Wu, Chiu-Feng., Cheng, Chu-Hsuan. (2022, October 21-22). Research of the relationship among the nurse’s characteristics, job stress coping strategy and psychological distress during the covid-19 outbreak in Taiwan. The 7th International Research Conference of World Society of Disaster Nursing. Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. https://twna2022.org/7wsdn/
- Chen, Chia-Tzu., Liu, Yi-Ting., Wu, Chiu-Feng. (2022, October 21-22). Establish a case management information system for the residents of the covid-19 quarantine shelter. The 7th International Research Conference of World Society of Disaster Nursing. Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. https://twna2022.org/7wsdn/
- Wu, Chiu-Feng., Su, Wen-Lin., Lin, Ting-Yun., Chiu, Shen-Kang., Cheng, Chu-Hsuan. (2022, October 15-16). To explore the changes in pulmonary symptoms, psychological stress and quality of life of Covid-19 patients during and after hospitalization. 2022 Annual Meeting of Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation. New Taipei City, Taiwan, Republic of China. https://tcmfaa.tzuchi.com.tw/TCMF2022/
- Liu, Ya-Ting., Wu, Chiu-Feng., Liu, Yi-Ting. (2022, October 21-22). Built a Real-time Information Monitoring System for Covid-19 Quarantine Shelter [Conference presentation]. The 7th International Research Conference of World Society of Disaster Nursing. Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. https://twna2022.org/7wsdn/
- 期刊:
- 吳秋鳳(2018)。推動全民生命教育-病人自主權利法。志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌 17卷6期 ( 2018/12) , 30-31。
- 吳秋鳳(2016)。正念生活快樂工作。志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌;15卷6期 (2016 / 12 / 01) , P27 – 29。
- 吳秋鳳(2015)。合和互協之美。志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌 14卷5期 ( 2015/10) , P47-49。
- 吳秋鳳(2014)。在理想中追求進步。志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌;13卷6期 (2014 / 12 / 01),P33 – 35。
- 潘韋翰、張恒嘉、吳秋鳳、楊承憲及吳秋鳳(2014)。品質突破最佳戰友獎-「好」還要「更好」持續參與BTS,打造醫療標竿團隊。醫療品質雜誌;8卷5期 (2014 / 09 / 01),P60 – 62。
- 吳秋鳳(2013)。以管理角度談(TCPI)指標運用。醫療品質雜誌;7卷4期 (2013 / 07 / 01),P30 – 32。
- 吳秋鳳(2007)。揮別無力感。志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌 6卷3期 ( 2007/06) , 22-31。
- 吳秋鳳(2006)。志為護理的愛與淚-台北慈院啓業至今有感。志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌 5卷4期 ( 2006/08) , P34-35。
- 吳秋鳳(2006)。良性溝通護病溫馨。志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌 5卷4期 ( 2006/08) , 24-29。
- 梁惠玉、吳秋鳳及章淑娟(2014)。醫療機構之績效評估-以平衡計分卡爲例。慈濟護理雜誌 ; 4卷3期 (2005 / 09 / 01),P26 – 32,DOI:10.6974/TCNJb.200509.0026。
- Chiao, L.-H., Wu, C.-F., Tzeng, I.-S., Teng, A.-N., Liao, R.-W., Yu, L. Y., Huang, C. M., Pan, W.-H., Chen, C.-Y., & Su, T.-T. (2021). Exploring factors influencing the retention of nurses in a religious hospital in Taiwan: A cross-sectional quantitative study. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 42. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-021-00558-7
- Wu, C.F, Liu, T., Cheng, C., & Chang, K. (2023). Relationship between nurses’ resilience and depression, anxiety and stress during the 2021 COVID ‐19 outbreak in Taiwan. Nursing Open, 10(3), 1592–1600. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.1411