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  • 亞洲健康識能學會副理事長
  • Dairy foods, calcium and risk of breast cancer overall and for subtypes defined by estrogen receptor status: a pooled analysis of 21 cohort studies. American journal of clinical nutrition. 2021.08;114(2):450-461 You Wu, Ruyi Huang*(共同第一兼通訊作者, Molin Wang, Leslie Bernstein, Traci N Bethea, Chu Chen, Yu Chen, A Heather Eliassen, Neal D Freedman, Mia M Gaudet, Gretchen L Gierach, Graham G Giles, Vittorio Krogh, Susanna C Larsson, Linda M Liao, Marjorie L McCullough, Anthony B Miller, Roger L Milne, Kristine R Monroe, Marian L Neuhouser, Julie R Palmer, Anna Prizment, Peggy Reynolds, Kim Robien, Thomas E Rohan, Sven Sandin, Norie Sawada, Sabina Sieri, Rashmi Sinha, Rachael Z Stolzenberg-Solomon, Shoichiro Tsugane, Piet A van den Brandt, Kala Visvanathan, Elisabete Weiderpass, Lynne R Wilkens, Walter C Willett, Alicja Wolk, Anne Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, Regina G Ziegler, Stephanie A Smith-Warner
  • Effect of health literacy and shared decision making on choice of weight-loss plan among overweight or obese participants receiving a prototype artificial intelligence robot intervention facilitating weight-loss management decisions. Digital Health. 2022.11; 8:1-11 Yi-Tang Chu, Ru-Yi Huang*, Tara Tai-Wen Chen, Wei-Hsuan Lin, James Tao-Qian Tang, Chi-Wei Lin, Chi-Hsien Huang, Chung-Ying Lin, Jung-Sheng Chen, Sabrina Kurtz-Rossi, Kristine Sorensen
  • Reciprocal relationships between problematic social media use, problematic gaming, and psychological distress among university students: A nine-month longitudinal study. Frontiers in public health. 2022.04;10:858482. Ching-Wen Chang, Ru-Yi Huang(共同第一作者), Carol Strong, Yi-Ching Lin, Meng-Che Tsai, I-Hua Chen, Chung-Ying Lin*, Amir H. Pakpour and Mark D. Griffiths
  • Effectiveness of using calligraphic activity to treat people with schizophrenia: A randomized controlled trial in Southern Taiwan. Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease. 2022.03; 13:1-16. Wen-Yi Huang, Hector W.H. Tsang, Shu-Mei Wang, Yu-Chen Huang, Yi-Chun Chen, Chih-Heng Cheng, Chih-Yin Chen, Jung-Sheng Chen, Yen-Ling Chang, Ru-Yi Huang*, Chung-Ying Lin*, Marc N. Potenza, Amir H. Pakpour
  • Psychological distress and protective behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic among different populations: Hong Kong general population, Taiwan healthcare workers, and Taiwan outpatients. Frontiers in Medicine. 2022.02;9:800962. Ka-Ki Gary, Carol Strong, Yat-Hang Chan, Roger Yat-Nork, Jung-Seng Chen, Yi-Hsuan Lin, Ru-Yi Huang*, Chung-Ying Lin*, Nai-Ying Ko
  • Evaluation of two weight stigma scales in Malaysian university students: weight self-stigma questionnaire and perceived weight stigma scale Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity Published online: 26 April 2022 27:2595–2604 Wan Ying Gan, Serene En Hui Tung, Ruckwongpatr Kamolthip, Simin Ghavifekr, Paratthakonkun Chirawat, Ira Nurmala, Yen‑Ling Chang,  Janet D. Latner, Ru‑Yi Huang*, Chung‑Ying Lin
  • Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Care between Family Physicians, Endocrinologists, and Other Internists in Taiwan: A Retrospective Population-Based Cohort Study. Journal of personalized medicine. 2022.03;12(3):461-473. Pei-Lin Chou, I-Hui Chiang, Hsi-Hao Wang, Chi-Wei Lin, Chao-Sung Chang, Hao-Kuang Wang, Chi-Hsien Huang, Chao-Sung Chang, Ru-Yi Huang*, Chung-Ying Lin*
  • Validating Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) in a Bangladeshi Population: Using Classical Test Theory and Rasch Analysis Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 225 Mohammed A. Mamun , Zainab Alimoradi , David Gozal, Md Dilshad Manzar, Anders Broström, Chung-Ying Lin, Ru-Yi Huang*, Amir H. Pakpour
  • Short-course vasoconstrictors are adequate for esophageal variceal bleeding after endoscopic variceal ligation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Science Progress , vol. 104, no. 3, pp. 1-15, 2021.07 Jen-Hao Yeh, Gin-Ho Lo, Ru-Yi Huang, Chih-Wen Lin, Wen-Lun Wang, Daw-Shyong Perng
  • Mucous membrane pemphigoid in a patient with chronic hepatitis B virus infection: A case report Medicine, vol. 100, no. 20, pp. e25955, 2021.05 Christine Yi-Ting Chou, Chi-Wei Lin, Gwo-Hsing Chen, Ru-Yi Huang*
  • Health literacy and cancer screening behaviors among community-dwelling female adults in Taiwan Women and Health, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 408-419, 2021.04 Chi-Hsien Huang, Yen-Ju Lo, Kuang-Ming Kuo, I-Cheng Lu, Hsing Wu, Ming-Ta Hsieh, I-Ting Liu, Yu-Ching Lin, Yu-Cheng Lai, Ru-Yi Huang, Wei-Chieh Hung, Chi-Wei Lin
  • Long-term Outcomes of Primary Endoscopic Resection vs Surgery for T1 Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology , vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 2813-2823, 2020.06 Jen-Hao Yeh, Cheng-Hao Tseng, Ru-Yi Huang, Chih-Wen Lin, Ching-Tai Lee, Po-Jen Hsiao, Tsung-Chin Wu, Liang-Tseng Kuo, Wen-Lun Wang
  • The Impact of Health Literacy on Knowledge, Attitude, and Intention toward Hospice Care among Community-Dwelling Seniors Health and Social Care in the Community, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. e724-e733, 2019.09 Hsiang‐Yun Huang, Kuang‐Ming Kuo, I‐Cheng Lu, Hsing Wu, Chi‐Wei Lin, Ming‐Ta Hsieh, Yu‐Ching Lin, Ru‐Yi Huang, I‐Ting Liu, Chi‐Hsien Huang
  • Is traumatic brain injury a risk factor for neurodegeneration? A meta-analysis of population-based studies BMC Neurology, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 184, 2018.11 Huang CH, Lin CW, Lee YC, Huang CY, Huang RY, Tai YC, Wang KW, Yang SN, Sun YT, Wang HK.
  • The benefit of adding oral simethicone in bowel preparation regimen for the detection of colon adenoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 830-836, 2018.10 Yeh JH, Hsu MH, Tseng CM, Chen TH, Huang RY, Lee CT, Lin CW, Wang WL
