
謝宗翰 生物統計分析師






  • 研究 & 統計諮詢。
  • 資料處理、數據分析。
  • 生物統計訓練課程。
  • 健保資料庫、臨床資料。
  • Li-Ping Tsai, Shiau-Tzu Tzeng, Tsung-Han Hsieh, Yi-Chen Li, Shuo-Suei Hung. ‘Scoliosis and BMI in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome.’ Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B. (IF:1.473). 2022.11
  • Nien‑Hsun Wu, Tsung‑Han Hsieh, Chun‑Yu Chang, Ping‑Chen Shih, Ming‐Chang Kao, Han‑Yu Lin. ‘Validation of cardiac output estimation using the fourth‑generation FloTrac/EV1000™ system in patients undergoing robotic‑assisted off‑pump coronary artery bypass surgery.’ Heart and Vessels. (IF:1.814). 2022.10
  • 廖振凱、林映筑、謝宗翰、胡榮輝、黃琮融、劉俊賢、游明謙. ‘舌下絡脈判讀模型之建立.’ 中醫藥研究論叢. 2022.09
  • Ting-Yun Lin, Hsin-Hua Chou, Tsung-Han Hsieh, Hsuan-Li Huang and Szu-Chun Hung. ‘Malnutrition is Associated with Increased Morbidity and Mortality in Dialysis Patients Undergoing Endovascular Therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease.’ European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery. (IF:6.427). 2022.08
  • Huai-Kuan Huang, Chi-Yuan Liu, I-Shiang Tzeng , Tsung-Han Hsieh, Chun-Yu Chang, Yueh-Tseng Hou, Po-Chen Lin, Yu-Long Chen, Da-Sen Chien, Giou-Teng Yiang, Meng-YuWu. ‘The association between blood pressure and in-hospital mortality in traumatic brain injury: Evidence from a 10-year analysis in a single-center.’ The American journal of emergency medicine. (IF:2.469). 2022.08
  • Ting-Yun Lin, Tsung-Han Hsieh, Szu-Chun Hung. ‘Association of secondary prevention medication use after myocardial infarction with mortality in hemodialysis patients.’ Clinical Kidney Journal. (IF:4.452). 2022.07
  • Cheng-Yu Tseng, Pei-Shan Hsu, Chang-Ti Lee, Hui-Fen Huang, Chou-Chin Lan, Tsung-Han Hsieh, Guan-Ting Liu, Chan-Yen Kuo, Ming-Chieh Wang and Po-Chun Hsieh. ‘Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Integrated With Conventional Rehabilitation for Post-stroke Functional Recovery: A Retrospective Cohort Study.’ Frontiers in Neuroscience. (IF:4.501). 2022.05
  • Kian-Hwee Chong, Ming-Hsun Wu, Chuang-Wei Chen, Tsung-Han Hsieh, Chieh-Wen Lai. ‘Preoperative serum macrophage migration inhibitory factor level correlates with surgical difficulty and outcome in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis.’ Journal of Clinical Medicine. (IF:4.964). 2021.09
  • Ya-Chih Yang, Tsung-Han Hsieh, Chi-Yuan Liu, Chun-Yu Chang, Yueh-Tseng Hou, Po-Chen Lin, Yu-Long Chen, Da-Sen Chien, Giou-Teng Yiang, Meng-Yu Wu. ‘Analysis of clinical outcome and predictors of mortality in pediatric traumatic population: evidence from a 10-year analysis in a single-center.’ Children. (IF:2.835). 2021.08
  • Yi-Cheng Hou, Chien-Wen Lai, Ching-Feng Cheng, Yi-Ying Lin, Tsung-Han Hsieh, Jing Hui Wu, I-Shiang Tzeng, Chan-Yen Kuo. ‘Effects of prebiotic consumption on serum intestinal fatty acid-binding protein levels in patients with diabetes: A case-control study.’ Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis. (IF:2.469). 2020.11
  • Tsai YW, Tzeng IS, Chen YC, Hsieh TH, Chang SS., “Survival prediction among patients with non-cancer-related end-stage liver disease.”, PLoS One. 13(9). 2018.
  • Tsao YC, Liu SH, Tzeng IS, Hsieh TH, Chen JY, Luo JJ., “Do sanitary ceramic workers have a worse presentation of chest radiographs or pulmonary function tests than other ceramic workers?”, J Formos Med Assoc. 116(3):139-144. 2017.
  • Chou HL, Han ST, Yeh CF, Tzeng IS, Hsieh TH, Wu CC, Kuan JT, Chen KF., “Systemic inflammatory response syndrome is more associated with bacteremia in elderly patients with suspected sepsis in emergency departments.”, Medicine (Baltimore). 95(49). 2016.
  • Liu SH, Tzeng IS, Hsieh TH, Huang YC., “Associations between excessive adiposity and seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 among US adults: a population-based age-period-cohort analysis.”, BMJ Open. 6(10). 2016.
  • Liu SH, Chen HJ, Hsieh TH, Chen JC, Huang YC., “Excessive adiposity, metabolic health, and risks for genital human papillomavirus infection in adult women: a population-based cross-sectional study.”, BMC Obes. 2(39). 2015.
  • Wang TH, Lin YS, Chen Y, Yeh CT, Huang YL, Hsieh TH, Shieh TM, Hsueh C, Chen TC., “Long non-coding RNA AOC4P suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis by enhancing vimentin degradation and inhibiting epithelial-mesenchymal transition.”, Oncotarget. 6(27):23342-23357. 2015.
  • Su YH, Ng KF, Yu MC, Wu TJ, Yeh TS, Lee WC, Lin YS, Hsieh TH, Lin CY, Yeh CT, Chen TC., “Impact of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Protein and Gene Alteration on Taiwanese Hepatocellular Carcinoma.”, J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 30(9): 1397-1404. 2015.
  • H109104,慢性腎臟病腸道微菌與健康:便祕的臨床到基礎研究
  • H108064,慢性B型肝炎感染與慢性腎臟病的風險,從病毒因子、環境因子到伺主因子
  • 醫學資訊管理師證書(證號:醫資(管)102字第2348號)
  • SAS® Certified Base Programmer for SAS®9(Issued:30JUL2012)
  • 公衛檢核考試及格證書(公衛會證字第98023號)
  • 醫事檢驗師證書(證號:檢字第012584號)