- 國立臺灣大學醫學系學士
- 澳洲新南威爾斯大學醫學工程碩士
- 國立臺灣大學醫學工程研究所博士
- 教育部部定助理教授
- 台大醫院泌尿部住院醫師暨總醫師
- 台大醫院泌尿部兼任主治醫師暨助理教授
- 衛福部桃園醫院泌尿科主任
- 桃園天晟醫院教學副院長
- 桃園天晟醫院院長
- 楓城泌尿學會理事
- 台灣新創醫療學會理事
- 台灣泌尿科醫學會
- 台灣男性學暨性醫學醫學會前任理事
- 台灣尿失禁防治協會
- 美國泌尿科醫學會(AUA)
- 歐洲泌尿科醫學會(EAU)
- (Invited) Point-of-Care Based System Development for Urolithiasis Recurrence Prevention. Wen-Yaw Chung, Salhi Heythem1, Angelito Silverio, Vincent Tsai, Cheanyeh Cheng, Guan-Wei Wu, Syuan-kai Chang, Lin-Chen Yen, Chia Ming Yang, I-Wen Lo and Shu-Yu Chang. ECS Transactions (2018), Volume 85, Number 8 (EI)
- Web- and Artificial Intelligence–Based Image Recognition For Sperm Motility Analysis: Verification Study. Tsai VF, Zhuang B, Pong YH, Hsieh JT, Chang HC. JMIR Med Inform 2020;8(11):e20031 (SCI).
- An amperometric sensor readout chip and digital back-end with embedded integrator and redox potential generator for multi-analyte sensing applications. Angelito A.Silverio, Wen-YawChung, Vincent F.S.Tsai, Cheanyeh Cheng. Microelectronics Journal 2020;97:104707 (SCI)
- Multi-parameter readout chip for interfacing with amperometric, potentiometric and impedometric sensors for wearable and point-of-care test applications. Angelito A.Silverio, Wen-YawChung, Vincent F.S.Tsai, Cheanyeh Cheng. Microelectronics Journal 2020;100:104769 (SCI).
- METCAM/MUC18 is a new early diagnostic biomarker for the malignant potential of prostate cancer: Validation with Western blot method, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and lateral flow immunoassay. Pong YH, Su YR, Lo HW, Ho CK, Hsieh CC, Chu CT, Chen-Yang YW, Tsai VFS, Wu JC, Wu GJ. Cancer Biomark. 2020;27(3):377-387 (SCI).
- Use of Holmium YAG laser in circumcision: a novel, less complicated and alternative procedure for adolescent. Pei-Lin Huang, I-Ching Lee, De-Chan Tsai, Jen-Ho Tsai, Vincent F. S. Tsai and Yuan-Hung Pong. African Journal of Urology 2020 26:64.
- Development of a Portable Multi-Sensor Urine Test and Data Collection
- Platform for Risk Assessment of Kidney Stone Formation. Wen-Yaw Chung, Roozbeh Falah Ramezani, Angelito A. Silverio, Vincent F Tsai. Electronics 2020, 9(12), 2180 (SCI)
- Probing penile hemodynamics by using photoplethysmography as objective indicators for male erection quality and sexual function. Yuan-Hung Pong, Yi-Kai Chang, Ching-En Hsu, Po-Cheng Chen, Yu-Chuan Lu, Vincent F. S. Tsai, Hong-Chiang Chang, Men-Tzung Lo & Chen Lin. Scientific Reports (11), Article number: 12019 (2021) (SCI)
- Application of a Deep Learning Neural Network for Voiding Dysfunction Diagnosis Using a Vibration Sensor. Pong, Yuan-Hung, Vincent F.S. Tsai, Yu-Hsuan Hsu, Chien-Hui Lee, Kun-Ching Wang, and Yu-Ting Tsai. Applied Sciences 12, no. 14: 7216. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12147216 (2022) (SCIE)
- 性治療在男性性功能障礙之角色(第18章)。蔡芳生。主編:簡邦平、蔡維恭、陳卷書。男性性功能障礙-臨床診治全攻略 (ISBN: 9789863685142)。2023年,合記。
- 2019 年臺灣泌尿科醫學會半年會論文最佳海報
- 2019 年臺灣泌尿科醫學會雜誌論文三年內引用次數最多獎
- 2021 年國際期刊Sexual Medicine (SCI) 編輯委員
- 2022 年臺灣男性學暨性醫學醫學會江萬煊教授傑出研究論文獎(第一作者)
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