

Application procedure申請流程

The application process needs to be submitted three months in advance. Please read the rules of our institution carefully. You can refer to the following regulations and submit the application form. Subsequently, based on the review results, we will request you to submit further documents. Thank you.


  • 外科部:一般外科、心臟外科、泌尿科、骨科、胸腔外科
  • 內科部:血液腫瘤科、新陳代謝科、心臟內科、肝膽腸胃科、腎臟內科、胸腔內科
  • 其他專科:神經內科、神經外科、耳鼻喉科、麻醉科、放射診斷科、核子醫學科、放射腫瘤科、身心醫學科、家庭醫學科
  • 每科見習期間為兩週,兩科四週,以此類推(至多八週)
  • 本院皆以中文方式教學(除專業術語外)
  • 以上所選科別皆應在校完成學習並提供成績單


Listed below are departments available for your selection

  • Surgery:General Surgery、Cardiovascular Surgery、Urology、Orthopedics、Thoracic Surgery
  • Internal Medicine:Hematology & Oncology、Metabolism & Endocrinology、Cardiology、Gastroenterology、Nephrology、Pulmonary
  • Other divisions:Neurology、Neurosurgery、ENT、Anesthesiology、Radiology、Nuclear Medicine、Radiation Oncology、Psychiatry、Family Medicine
  • Trainee for each subject is two weeks period, surrounded by two subjects, there will totally four weeks to take.(up to eight weeks).
  • Teaching will be performed mainly in Mandarin, with some use of English.
  • Prior to your selected clerkship rotation, respective classroom courses should be already completed. Please provide transcripts for these completed courses.

★Clerkship fees:4,800 NTD per month. For clerkships less than a month, the fees are calculated on a weekly basis at 1,200 NTD per week.




The dormitory vacancy is limited, if you apply, it would take time waiting, we appreciate your patience. 
It will cost 3,000 NTD (including water and electricity) per month.

申請資料STEP 1 & STEP 2


(1).國外見習醫學生申請表:step1-Application form.



Please prepare the following documents and submit by email.
(Email :tch34193@tzuchi.com.tw)

(1). Clerkship application form for international students:step1-Application form.
(2). Autobiography:step1-Autobiography.
(3). Proposed academic schedule:step1-Proposal
(4). Academic Transcript:free format  

Application documents will be reveiwed by the administrative office.

Accepted applicants will be informed to complete Step 2.



第二階段國外見習醫學生申請文件 (資料請寄至:tch34193@tzuchi.com.tw)

(8).健康檢查表:step2-medical check up.


STEP 2. Application documents for international medical students

(5). Letter or recommendation by current supervisor:free format
(6). Passport:Scanned copy
(7). Student ID card:Scanned copy
(8). Health Certificate:
1.Health Certificate step2-medical check up
2.Chickenpox (Varicella)
(9). Certificate of Overseas Insurance:Scanned copy

※ Please apply for personal medical insurance in advance.

佛教慈濟醫療財團法人台北慈濟醫院  教學部  合十
Department of Medical Education, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital
The Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation